Monday, July 8, 2013

Beauty: The Woes of Sensitive Skin

So this is going to be a shorter article just to let you know. This one goes out to the girls like me who have to endure the pain of sensitive skin.

I have had sensitive skin since I was little. It all started with sunburn. I am very pale and so I burn very easily, like annoying easily. If I am going to be outside for an extended period of time during the summer, I have to wear sunscreen, especially on my face because my face burns the most (mostly my cheeks). Then came the problem. I would try to put on sunscreen and all of a sudden it felt like my skin was on fire! I had to wipe down my skin with a wet cloth and even then it ached. Then started my journey with sensitive skin. Eventually I found some sunscreen that I can use for my body, but the problem was my face. You know what I have to do? I buy GERMAN sunscreen. Yes, the bottle is in German! Crazy right?!

Other examples? I was at a dance competition with my dance team. I brought some new face wipes thinking they would be nice but when I tried to wipe my face at the end of the day, my face burned and turned bright red. Or I have to wash all my cloths before I wear them. You see, unwashed clothes have chemicals in them so they don't wrinkle. If I wear them without washing them, I breakout in small, red, itchy hives/rash, all over my chest and arms. It stays for several days and itches SO BAD!

So everyday is a journey. I am constantly on the lookout for new makeup, clothes, sunscreen, etc. that won't irritate my skin. I have to be careful with my skin, but I'm sure it will be worth it one day.

So here is my question: Do any of you have sensitive skin? If so, which products do you find work the best? I want to hear all of your suggestions! Leave them in the comments or email them to me at . If I get enough I will make a post with the suggestions so that others can use them as well!

Toodles sweeties!
X Miss Marvelous Misadventures

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