Saturday, July 13, 2013

Book: "Fearless"


   "Fearless" is the story of Adam Brown, one of the members of SEAL Team 6. When one first hears this, they automatically assume, just as I did, that it is the story of the killing of Osama Bin Laden. But it is not, this story takes place before that historic event, and yet is much more touching, and inspiring than the Osama Bin Laden story could ever be. "Fearless" is the story of Adam Brown, an all-american kid, a drug addict, a father and husband, and an american hero.

One of my favorite parts of the story is when Adam went to Teen Challenge. Teen Challenge is a Christian boot camp of sorts for kids who are dealing with drug addiction. This hit me particularly hard because I know a kid from my church who went to Teen Challenge for two years and just returned. Reading about Adams journey through drug addiction and Teen Challenge gave me a better understanding of what others, such as the kid from my church, go through. It also gave me hope for this kid. If Adam Brown can go from drug addict to a member of SEAL Team 6, what might this kid be able to do? It seems as if the opportunities are endless.

This book was a tear jerker. I can guarantee I cried at least three times while reading this book if not more. As you read, you grow attached to Adam and his team members, and when injury or death befalls them it feels like your heart cracks a little bit. "Fearless" is also a fast read, not because it is simple but because you will not put it down. I finished it in 1 1/2 days because I refused to stop reading to do anything else. The story of Adam Brown is captivating from the first paragraph to the last word.

Eric Blehm does a wonderful job of telling this story, a story that while hard to write, needed to to be told. Blehm writes with wit and class, and portrays Adam in a way that I think suits him, as not a macho guy but instead a humble man who has made mistakes and who cares only to praise god, and love others.

Adam, through the writing of Blehm, teaches us about the power of God and trusting in him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength. It is through his faith that Adam managed to leave the dark place of drug addiction and reach the legendary SEAL team 6. It encouraged me in my faith and has the real possibility of teaching those without a faith about the love that is God.

This is book is a must read. I think this would be most enjoyed by people high school age and older. I would recommend this to any of my friends because I feel that it teaches so many lessons especially that people can change. I encourage everyone to pick up a copy and to visit to learn more about Adam Brown and his mission.

*Disclaimer* I received this book for free from "Blogging for Books" in return for an honest review. This review reflects my opinion completely.

Miss Marvelous Misadventures

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